Throughout Sunday and Monday, Palestinian groups are marching around Sweden in what they hope will be gigantic demonstrations.

If the organisers are to be believed, it’s all about showing support for the “resistance” and protesting against “genocide” and “occupation”. Of course, that sounds better than gathering to celebrate the anniversary of a massacre, but that’s exactly what they intend to do.

When news of the bestial acts of terror carried out by Hamas against Israeli civilians on 7 October last year spread to Sweden, Islamists and pro-Palestinians celebrated with motorcades and demonstrations in Swedish streets and squares. They celebrated the bestial violence, they celebrated the murders, rapes, torture and kidnappings. They celebrated how little children and old people were massacred.

Jubilation over the slaughter of innocent civilians was transformed by pro-Palestinians in Sweden – and many other places in the West – into family celebrations. “It must be bent in time, that which must be crooked” apparently also applies when the goal is to create ruthless, brutal, murderous terrorists.

A year has passed since then, but the pro-Palestinian movement still celebrates the hatred and violence, and naive Sweden lets them be. The tent camp in Lund may remain on occupied land because it according to the police “is an essential part of the demonstration and the message you want to get across”. The fact that it constitutes a sanitary nuisance and can serve as a definition of the hate crime “hatred against a group of people” apparently does not matter.

For some strange reason, this group is given rights that are denied to others. You might be wondering why? But you don’t have to wonder for long. We know why.

Call for intifada (bloody uprising) at a tent camp outside KTH in Stockholm. Photo: Screenshot Facebook

Now it’s time for the anniversary, and the Palestine groups have shifted gears. The pro-Palestinian demonstrations held in major Swedish cities every Saturday will now become “big demonstrations” and “power rallies” for “a year of resistance”. The administrator of the Facebook group Solidaritetsgruppen För Palestina i Växjö, Mohamad Ad, writes:

We appeal to you to participate in the manifestation then.
This is probably one of the most important Palestine events of the last 12 months.
Spread, mobilise and come more often your loved ones.
Keep it up for Palestine!

“Keep it up for Palestine”, then? Perhaps even the pro-Palestinians realise that it would be too provocative to say outright: “Keep it up for intifada! Come celebrate a year of brutal slaughter!”

Photo: Facebook screenshots

To reach the maximum number of participants, some groups have chosen to place the celebration of terrorism on Sunday, others stick strictly to Monday. Either way, a question creeps in: How is it even possible that they are authorised to gather for these “manifestations”?

Let’s make a comparison. Would it be possible for Nazis to demonstrate under the slogans “rally against mass immigration”, “demonstration against Islam” or “stop the population exchange” on the anniversary of the Utøya massacre, 22 July? No, of course not. That would not be possible on any day of the year. Thank goodness.

That’s when Swedish society would put its foot down and declare that we don’t want such hate demonstrations and incitement to violence on our streets and squares. In that case, it would be natural to take a stand against the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people. So why is it so difficult to act in the same way if the intended victims are Jews?

Because yes, the Palestine groups are right on one point: There is a genocide going on. But if the pro-Palestinians demonstrating today and tomorrow want to see the actual perpetrators, they need to stand in front of a mirror.

Similarly, it is a people who are once again defending themselves against the forces that aim to destroy them. Clue: It’s not the Palestinians.

If pro-Palestinians in Sweden want to see a lasting peace, they should demonstrate against Iran, against Hamas, against Hezbollah and against the dogmas of Islam that call for all Jews to be killed (and when that’s fulfilled, it’s time for all gays and non-Muslims to be put under the sword). Then they should demonstrate in favour of Hamas and Hezbollah joining the peace talks that Israel has invited so many times.

Then they should organise demonstrations to get Hamas to release the hostage who, against all odds, is still alive. Then they should set up tent camps to persuade the leaders of the terrorist sects to let the subsidy billions help Palestinian civilians, instead of spending them on weapons, terrorist facilities and their own luxury life far away from Gaza.

But, of course, Sweden’s pro-Palestinians do not.

It’s hard to see any other explanation than that they’re not interested in peace after all. They want exactly the mindless violence, exactly the brutal assaults, exactly the animalistic rapes, exactly the contempt for innocent life that we saw on 7 October 2023. Innocent women and children are more than welcome to be massacred, preferably in the most bloodthirsty and monstrous ways possible, provided they are Jewish.

That individuals with such views can be allowed to manifest their hatred, their continued pursuit of genocide and calls for a “global intifada” is nothing short of shameful. History reminds us of what the consequences of that hatred can look like.

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