Israel’s ambassador asks Polish authorities to intervene after Jew-haters at a university just tens of kilometers east of the Auschwitz concentration camp put up a sign reading “Send the Jews to the gas chambers”.

Israel’s ambassador calls on the authorities to intervene after anti-Israel activists at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, put up a sign reading “Send the Jews to the gas chambers”.

Coinciding with the death of Yahya Sinwar

Krakow is just a few dozen kilometers east of the Auschwitz concentration camp where almost a million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

The sign went up on the same day that Yahya Sinwar, the man who orchestrated the Hamas massacre on October 7, was killed.

The sign slipped into an “environment” of anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian banners.

Stay tuned on campus

Israel’s ambassador to Poland, Yaakov Livneh, commented on the call to murder Jews:

– While the Jewish state struggles to make the world a safer place, Israel’s enemies are calling for the murder of Jews in gas chambers – as was done not long ago in the neighborhood of Auschwitz. I urge Polish authorities to pay attention to what is happening on campus.

Feeling threatened

A few months ago, anti-Israel protesters took over the main campus of Jagiellonian University, setting up tents and filling the area adjacent to the main pedestrian street in Krakow’s Old Town with anti-Israel slogans.

Jewish students feel threatened by the aggressive anti-Semitism, but their appeals to the Krakow authorities and the university administration have so far come to nothing.

Burdensome history

Founded in 1364, Jagiellonian University is the oldest in Poland and is considered one of the best in the country.

The university has a charged historical relationship with the Jewish community. Jews were not welcomed as students after it was founded and students at the university have repeatedly been involved in pogroms against local Jews.

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