The title is an apt description for what’s going on in the world these days, and for the topics covered in this conversation with US Analyst Charles Ortel. From the Lettuce in the UK we move on to the Resident over in Washington DC and his latest ramblings, not to mention the looming diesel crisis.


Charles Ortel then explains why the release of 15 million barrels of crude oil from the US strategic reserves by the Resident of the White House is largely meaningless. Not only because the daily consumption of oil in the US is close to 20 million barrels a day, but more so that the US refinery capacity is so low, that the US has to import refined fuel from abroad.

How The Diesel Crisis Became An Inflationary Time Bomb (

For all the drama surrounding Biden’s latest Strategic Petroleum Reserve fiasco and his admin’s ridiculous idea to “stimulate” US energy producers to pump more oil because, you see, Biden promises to buy oil at some unknown point in the future (he may or may not, but right now he is certainly draining a million barrels of emergency US energy lifeblood just to buy a few midterm votes, assuring energy producers have zero incentive to produce more), the real crisis is not oil or gas, but diesel.

As most regulators and journalists in the main stream media are urban dwellers suffering from the «green madness», the public at large are kept uninformed. It does not bode well for the winter, but Charles is kind enough to spread some hope of not only a «Red Wave» but maybe even a «Rout» in the upcoming midterm elections.

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