The execution of Salwan Momika is a warning that Sweden is no longer a state governed by the rule of law in the Western sense, it is a country where the judicial authorities spend time trying to bring a Koran burner to justice while there are daily bombings. Swedish police are powerless, they run after fires. But it’s not one, it’s many arsonists. The police don’t stand a chance.

In such a situation, Swedish prosecutors choose to go after someone who mocks the same religion as many of the arsonists. They know his life is in danger. When his case comes up, the police won’t give him the protection he needs. The killers can break into the house where he lives and execute him live: The execution is broadcast in real time on social media. This is a practice that has become all the rage in Sweden: The executions are entertainment, but they are also a demonstration of the power of the gangs and the impotence of the authorities.

Swedish authorities let it happen.

The execution is a statement: It is not Swedish law, but the law of the Koran, Sharia, that applies in Sweden.

The Danish government has introduced the Koran law; in Denmark, disrespect for religious books is a criminal offence.

In Norway, one of the largest grocery chains, Rema, enters into an agreement with the Islamic Council of Norway for the Shariah slaughter of all chickens that pass through their facility, Norsk Kylling. The result is the same in all three countries – Islamisation – it just happens in slightly different ways.

Reitan makes money from it and can boast that it contributes to integration.

If you look back, you will see that Scandinavia has allowed itself to be Islamised in just over thirty years.

What will the next thirty years look like? Those who think they can pull the covers over their heads and hope it will pass, or that things will last as long as they are on earth, think again. It won’t pass. It’s getting worse, day by day. If you look at the development of crime in a country like Norway, it’s moving at an express speed. All three Nordic countries are on the same track and heading towards the same goal: anarchy and sharia law. One makes it easier to introduce the other.

Critics of Islam have been treated as dangerous people, as their opinions can lead to attacks on Muslims. This has been a constant form of exclusion, which in Denmark has also been enshrined in law: It should not be allowed to offend the Koran. Mette Frederiksen, who admitted in an interview with Jyllands-Posten that there is a growing group in Denmark who do not want to become Danish and put Sharia above Danish law, is the same person who introduced the Koran law. She honoured the wishes of the people she fears. Such contradictory behaviour is otherwise known as schizophrenia.

Denmark has ended up in a serious dispute with Trump over Greenland. Mette Frederiksen was travelling around Europe on Tuesday, gathering support from Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron. She did not mention Trump’s name once in public. He has become Voldemort.

Trump has stepped into the Danes’ backyard with his boots on. Undiplomatically. Mette Frederiksen is furious. But what she fails to realise is that Trump sees what’s wrong with Western Europe, Mette F. does not: He knows the mentality of the Democrats, who vote against laws that would penalise criminal immigrants. The US has experienced European immigration policy in extreme form. Politics is about wanting to, and Trump won’t agree to the US surrendering to cartels and illegal migrants. He wants to rebuild America.

Western Europe is doing the opposite: They have surrendered. They have long since decided that their societies are not worth defending. They will never admit it publicly, but the events speak for themselves. So do the reactions, which are obefintliga, as the Swedes say, i.e. non-existent.

We see the same development in Germany, where Olaf Scholz will do nothing about those who kill three-year-olds in a kindergarten outing. When the chairman of the CDU asks if he thinks parents will put up with their beloved three-year-old being dropped off at nursery as usual, but coming home stabbed to death, he has Germany’s past hung around his neck: If he wants to do anything with the AfD, he’s making an unforgivable historical mistake.

In the UK, it’s even worse. There, the Prime Minister covered up the triple murder of three children by a second-generation Rwandan boy and threatened Nigel Farage into silence. When things got out of hand for some Brits, Starmer arrested them for both memes and fires and promised the Muslims he would protect them.

Starmer is, for now, the latest step in the downward spiral of social democracy.

As always, it’s also about money.


In Iraq, the city of al-Kufa offered a reward of two million dollars and a Koran made of two kilos of gold to whoever killed him. The government in Baghdad requested his extradition.

Salwan Momika arrived in Sweden in spring 2018. In the autumn of 2023, his temporary residence permit was revoked and he tried to seek asylum in Norway – but was soon back in Sweden and last year received a one-year residence permit. The Migration Board believed that he risked being tortured if he returned to his home country of Iraq.

The day before, the uncle of the “Kurdish fox” was killed while he was inside a travel agency in Husby. No one is safe in Sweden, neither Koran burners nor relatives of gangsters. Religious law and blood vengeance prevail.

The same thing is happening in all the Nordic countries, which have no defence but want to go to war with Russia.

The verdict against Salwan Momika should have been delivered today at 11.00. But it was handed down by others: It was a death sentence, and it has already been carried out.

Let’s not forget the Norwegian district court judge Dagfinn Grønvik, who was instrumental in sending Salwan Momika back to Sweden.

Salwan Momika fled to Norway in the hope of finding protection here after losing his residence permit in Sweden. But here, PST determined that he was a threat to national security. Critics of Islam are now regarded as threats to security, and Momika was to be expelled.

The treatment of Momika is a milestone:

Momika seems to be a bone of contention between the Norwegian and Swedish authorities. Neither wants to take responsibility for a man who has publicly burned the Koran. The attitude seems to be that he has asked for it himself.

If anything were to happen to Momika, it would be the first time the authorities have publicly wrung their hands and left a man persecuted by Islamists to his own fate.

The authorities’ treatment of critics of Islam is reminiscent of the treatment people fleeing Nazism received. They were driven to suicide. Whether it was Kurt Tucholsky in Sweden or Stefan Zweig in Brazil or Benjamin fleeing to Spain. They reached a point where they couldn’t take it anymore.

Imagine a judge writing that Momika suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and needs to be free, but the interests of the state override his life and health. He should be locked up at Trandum until he can be deported.

We’re back in the 1930s.

Salwan Momika is at Trandum, to be deported




Hans Rustad’s book on Trump is expected from the printers in the first week of February, but can already be pre-ordered.


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