This week, the “Palestinian”-Israeli film “No Other Land” won the Oscar in the “Best Documentary” category. The film was financed with aid from Norway – apparently without checking whether the film’s basic claim was true or not. That said, we must emphasise that the film is based entirely on lies and propaganda. In fact, the film is more imaginative than the stories in “One Thousand and One Nights”. Incidentally, the anti-Israeli group BDS has already boycotted the film because it was made with Jewish anarchist Yuval Avraham! Not because he is an anarchist, but because he is Jewish. We can therefore conclude that Norway is once again at odds with reality. By investing in peace industry activities, we are once again contributing to increased Jew-hatred in the world. An impressive result in this case, for so little money.
The film’s creators are two anarchists, Arab Basel Adra and Jewish Yuval Avraham, both of whom are known for their violence and vulgarity. The film tells the story of the Adra family, who claim that all they want is to remain in Masafar Yatta, where their ancestors have allegedly lived for centuries. According to the film, the “occupation soldiers” carry out campaigns of destruction, even killing them and leaving them homeless in the desert heat and cold nights.
In fact, the Masafar Yatta area is a military no-go zone located in the East Hebron Mountains – an uninhabited area with the exception of an IDF post until 1990. In the 1990s, Arabs from the neighbouring town of Yatta began to invade and build in the area, taking advantage of grazing permits granted to them by the IDF. This was a result of the peace messianism that the Oslo processes led to among some left-wing radicals, including in the IDF. It is worth noting that Yatta is located in Area C, which, according to the Oslo Accords, was to be exclusively administered by Israel.
Over the course of 30 years, these Arabs, with the help of Western money, have managed to build no less than 700 illegal buildings in a military area that was otherwise unpopulated until 1990! In May 2022, the final the Supreme Court judgement, which, based on aerial photographs and other evidence, ruled that there was not a shred of reasonableness in their claim – and that the occupiers had to be removed. It was only then that the invaders and their anarchist friends from left-wing organisations turned to Pallywood. They had lost their claim after some 20 years of slow proceedings in the High Court, and so chose to produce this Norwegian-funded propaganda film.
The Norwegian Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery thinks the film “is absolutely fantastic”. It is therefore not surprising that our politicised media praise the film, as Jaffery does, with NRK (The Norwegian Broadcasting Corp) being the most enthusiastic in the class. This is a consequence of the fact that some Norwegian journalists have neither the expertise nor the will to scrutinise the facts of the case, which are well documented over 20 years in the archives of the Supreme Court of Israel.
It remains to be seen how many millions of our tax dollars Norway has spent on legal assistance for the illegal house construction in Masafar Yatta, on which this anti-Semitic lie film is based. So far, no-one in the Norwegian Parliament has the courage to stand up against the misuse of our tax money to spread false propaganda against the Jews. Let’s hope that someone does soon. The only person currently putting his foot down against Jew-hatred is US President Donald Trump. Among other things, he took it upon himself to stop support for USAID, which provides a lot of money to terrorists and various organisations that live off the “peace industry“. He also calls for an end to the war, both in Gaza and in Ukraine.
The reactions of Western politicians and their faithful media are not surprising. They don’t like to be exposed. But that’s exactly what Trump is doing. The difference between Trump’s administration and Western politicians is that Americans have actually taken the time to read both the UN Charter and the Atlantic Charter. Trump’s anti-war policy is in accordance with the UN Charter, on which the Atlantic Charter is built; the clear purpose of peace between nations is already specified in the Charter’s Chapter 1. As a businessman, he seeks to force peaceful solutions that create prosperity for ordinary people, rather than suffering.
Since US President Donald Trump began his second term in the White House six weeks ago, he has already managed to force the West to face reality. Western politicians have invested billions of tax dollars, year in, year out, with no benefit to the Ukrainians, the civilians in Gaza or the Jews. We must be allowed to ask why our politicians are willing to pour enormous sums of our tax money into something they know from years of experience will not work. How long is it acceptable for the war in Ukraine to continue? How long should the Hamas barbarians be allowed to hold Jewish hostages in their tunnels? Is it still allowed to ask questions in Norway without being labelled as one or the other, or are we already in the dictatorial zone where there is only one truth?
The same Europeans who are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza are still calling for war in Ukraine. Soon after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, the EU rushed to grant millions of Ukrainian refugees legal residency, work permits and access to social services. Similarly, more than six million Syrians have found refuge in neighbouring countries and Europe. About 7 million Ukrainians were allowed to flee to Europe and elsewhere in the world. This is all well and good and that’s how it should be. The question is why Europe refuses to give the same help to the people of Gaza who want to move out as long as the war continues.
According to The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre, both Hamas and the Egyptian authorities impose strict restrictions on anyone wishing to leave through the Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border. Men under the age of 40 are generally not allowed to leave Gaza unless they pay sky-high bribes to both Hamas and the Egyptian border authorities. Those with money have no problems getting out of Gaza. It is far worse for the poor.
The fact is that international law recognises the right of each and every one of us to leave our country – if we so wish. Article 13.2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
13.2: “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”
President Trump’s proposal forces the world to realise its hypocrisy regarding the fate of Arabs held hostage by UNRWA since 1949, and now under the brutal control of Hamas. Throughout history, immigration control has been used by authoritarian regimes to maintain power. Examples include East Germany with the Berlin Wall, Cuba and Eritrea. It is remarkable that it is precisely such regimes that the West and Muslim countries in the region now agree with when it comes to the civilians in Gaza. How can we expect the civilians in Gaza to be forced to live in an area without shelter, water and sanitation for decades to come, while Ukrainians, Syrians and others are allowed to relocate if they so wish?
Trump’s plan to allow Gazans who wish to leave voluntarily until the war is over could weaken Hamas’ radical ideology and deprive them of human resources as well as huge sums of money from Europe, Iran and Qatar. It could also help put an end to decades of corrupt rule, oppression of citizens and terrorism against both Jews and Arabs. But with the exception of the US, both the West and the Muslim world now appear to be co-operating with Hamas to hold its citizens captive. The Western media, and not least the Norwegian media, are keen to put Israel in a bad light and ignore the suffering of the terror victims, both Arabs and Jews.
Today’s journalism in the mass media has not mastered the dissemination of facts, which is a demanding task both in terms of time and intellect. Conveying feelings and moral finger-pointing, on the other hand, is easier. This is how the media, both in Norway and in other countries, have shifted from being tools for public enlightenment to becoming politically correct moral police. This is how anti-Semitism is created, nurtured and propagated in society, and it is happening today, as it did then, right before our eyes as a “normalised” part of everyday life. The media’s reaction to the propaganda film “No Other Land” and the BDS’ boycott of the film is a good example of this.