Today, the Minister of Defence and the Minister of Climate and Environment marked the first time that Norwegian F-35 fighter jets are being refuelled with «sustainable» fuel.

The Norwegian Minister of Defence, Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp), and the Minister of Climate and Environment, Andreas Bjelland Eriksen (Ap), took part in a ceremony at Ørland Air Base, reports NTB.

The so-called sustainable fuel is known as Sustain Aviation Fuel. This is aviation fuel that can contain biofuels, synthetic aviation fuels and other recycled carbon fuels, according to the government.

Today, biofuels produced from waste and residues were used.

The measure marks an important step towards greener solutions in the defence sector, and contributes to the government’s goal of cutting emissions.

The ZERO Environmental Foundation is very positive about the Norwegian Defence’s new climate initiative

– This is a great day for the Defence’s climate work. In order to achieve its climate goals, the Defence is completely dependent on sustainable aviation fuel. ZERO is very pleased that the Air Force is now getting started with this,” says Ingvild Kilen Rørholt, Head of Transport at ZERO.

Some may think that the Norwegian Air Force’s most important role is to protect our country. But Norway’s mission is to save the world. A bit optimistic for around 4,2 million Norwegian, with around 1,3 million immigrants or children of immigrants, maybe.

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