Minister for Nordic Co-operation Åsmund Aukrust (Ap) emphasises the importance of co-operation in the Nordic region rather than focusing on Norwegian EU membership, a topic that the Liberal Party and MDG highlight as a solution for Norway.
In an interview with Nationen, Aukrust says that now is not the time for a membership debate.
“Right here and now, it’s about dealing with the very critical situation we’re in,” he says.
As a former opponent of the EU, Aukrust now sees the role of the Nordic Region as increasingly important.
“The Nordic region is going to be much more important in the times we live in now,” says Aukrust.
He acknowledges that the world has changed, but emphasises that membership is not on the agenda and warns against a polarised discussion about the EU.
Aukrust points to the serious security situation in Europe and troubled times. In this context, he sees an increased need for Nordic co-operation, especially in light of the global challenges we face. He notes:
“When the world is coming apart at the seams, it’s good to see the Nordic Region sticking together”
Finally, Aukrust points out that co-operation on security policy and trade is crucial, emphasising the common interest between the Nordic countries.
“Sweden’s export market is Norway. So here we have a common interest in working together.