The Irish government is proposing a significant reduction in the number of cows to meet radical climate targets. The plan implies that at least 200,000 cattle in Ireland must be removed in three years.
Continue reading »The police in Hong Kong have arrested at least eight people the day before the 34th anniversary of the massacre in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Among them are several artists. It has long been forbidden to commemorate the victims of the massacre on the Chinese mainland. In recent years, the authorities have also cracked down […]
Continue reading »The UN climate panel’s experts have long predicted less frost in Australia, but a publicly funded report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) concludes the opposite; that the frost season is increasing in length throughout southern Australia, in some places by as much as 40 extra days a year. The researchers have known this long-term […]
Continue reading »Facebook no longer tries to hide its power alliance with the Democrats and the censorship of politicians who challenge them. This also applies to politicians who challenge Biden internally. Robert Kennedy Jr. has wind in his sails, but Facebook won’t give him any traction. Kennedy’s campaign is consistently banned from Instagram.
Continue reading »On the same day that Fattighuset reports on increasingly long food queues in Oslo, with many Ukrainian refugees, our previous prime minister tells Dagbladet that she does not think the krone exchange rate would have been better with her at the helm. But I think perhaps the krona is now at a lower level than […]
Continue reading »According to a new opinion poll run by InFact on behalf of the Oslo Progress Party, there is a blue majority in Oslo City Hall. The survey indicates that both the Progress Party and the Labor Party are on the rise in the capital. Compared to the election results in 2019, the FrP advances with […]
Continue reading »A team of climate scientists introduced the term “planetary boundaries” almost 15 years ago, to identify important systems that were at risk of becoming unstable due to human activity. They looked at systems such as climate, biodiversity and fresh water to determine the limits of what they called a “safe operating area” for civilization, writes […]
Continue reading »The police received a report of a fight between what is believed to be two groups on Trosterud in Oslo on Friday evening. A firearm was seized. This weekend will not go by without new reports of fights, violence and the use of weapons. It is often the same crime scenes that repeat themselves, with […]
Continue reading »It was particularly children, young people and the elderly who were hit hard by the interventionist measures against corona infection, believes the committee that has examined the handling of the pandemic. The committee, which was chaired by former central bank governor Øysten Olsen, also believes that it took too long before the authority ended the […]
Continue reading »The European Commission is planning a mandatory “solidarity mechanism” in which migrants arriving at the Union’s outer border are distributed among the member states. Countries that do not cooperate will be ordered to pay 22,000 euros for each migrant they reject.
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