
The EU will demand 22,000 euros for each migrant the member states reject

The European Commission is planning a mandatory “solidarity mechanism” in which migrants arriving at the Union’s outer border are distributed among the member states. Countries that do not cooperate will be ordered to pay 22,000 euros for each migrant they reject.

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15-year-old player beaten to death after soccer match in youth tournament in Germany

A 15-year-old soccer player on a German youth team died on Wednesday from the injuries he suffered when a 16-year-old on a French team attacked him after the semi-final of the Germany Cup in Frankfurt on Sunday. The French club gives young footballers “from all over the world access to high-level training”.

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Eskilstuna: Unrest after a large and bloody knife fight among schoolchildren

Eskilstuna struggles with violence and gang crime like so many other Swedish cities. A large and bloody knife fight in the middle of the day between many schoolchildren creates new unrest.

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Stabbing on Søndre Nordstrand, three people arrested

The police have control of three people following a report of a stabbing at Dalsløkka in the Søndre Nordstrand district of Oslo. A person is said to have been stabbed in what is described as a fight between several people, on Dalsløkka in the Søndre Nordstrand district of Oslo. The extent of the damage is […]

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Anti-woke podcast punished financially: Triggernometry’s bank account closed

The popular podcast Triggernometry had its bank account closed without warning. Biologist Colin Wright was kicked out of Etsy. The accounts of Canadian truck drivers were frozen at the direction of the Canadian government. Are we in a new phase of the culture war, where dissidents will be hit financially, and is the next step […]

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The President of the Storting on the Truth Commission’s report: – Serious results

Storting President Masud Gharahkhani says that the Truth Commission’s report is confirmation of how Norway has failed minorities and indigenous peoples. How good we are at protecting indigenous peoples and our minorities is one of the most important signs of whether we live up to our duties and values. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was […]

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Stoltenberg wants to secure NATO membership for Ukraine

In a press briefing before the meeting of foreign ministers in NATO, Jens Stoltenberg said that the entire alliance agrees that Ukraine must be offered membership. But that presupposes that the war is won. Stoltenberg sets the bar high. Russia is unlikely to accept Ukraine membership under any circumstances. That was part of the background […]

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Sweden: No prosecutions after one year of law against honour-based repression

Honour killings and other honour-related violence have become a significant problem in the increasingly multicultural Sweden. On 1 June 2022, a new Swedish law against honour-related oppression entered into force. One year later, the new law has not led to a single prosecution. “Of course I’m a little disappointed. I would have hoped for at […]

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The violence in Sweden continues, another fatality after a shooting incident in Solna

One person has died in a shooting outside in Hagalund in Solna in Sweden. Another person has been taken to hospital in an ambulance. So another person has become a victim of the escalating violence affecting our neighbouring country. It almost always involves immigrants. The police received the report about the shooting just after 5 […]

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British Foreign Secretary goes to great lengths to justify Ukrainian attacks inside Russia

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly says Ukraine has the right to take the war to Russian territory. Cleverly says this on the same day that drones attacked Moscow. It is easy to interpret this as Cleverly giving the Ukrainians a blank mandate. Legitimate right within one’s own borders, that’s clear. But Ukraine also has the […]

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