Equinor postpones the Trollvind offshore wind farm indefinitely. NRK writes that the project is shelved. If renewable projects become too expensive, they are said to be “postponed”, which is politically more palatable. Equinor is state-owned and it is politically distressing for the government that yet another renewable project must be shelved. It can have knock-on […]
Continue reading »A “Ukrainian sabotage group” has carried out an attack in the Russian county of Belgorod, the Russian president has been briefed, Russian media reports. According to the Moscow Times, the governor of Belgorod claims that a Ukrainian sabotage group is behind it. Russia Today has the same interpretation of the attack. RT may be difficult […]
Continue reading »Computer problems meant that the written exam in Norwegian was cancelled at upper secondary schools in Møre and Romsdal. Viken refused to cancel. As reported by NTB through Snorre Schjønberg and Ole Henrik Tveten. The written exam started on Monday morning, but computer problems meant that some could not submit their answers. There were problems […]
Continue reading »Food and drink have become much more expensive in the past year, a recent report shows. But this may have only been a foretaste, because according to researchers, prices will increase further this summer. Many have noticed how the prices of most things have skyrocketed recently. It has noticeably become more expensive taking a trip […]
Continue reading »A Mother and father in a Syrian family went to church asylum on Friday in Bremnes church in Bømlo, the same day they were asked to leave Norway. A Syrian parent couple who were to be deported from Norway have gone into so-called church asylum in Bremnes church in Bømlo. From here, the couple named […]
Continue reading »Hungary has announced it will block EU military aid to Ukraine, branding the country “hostile” after an alleged plan to blow up an oil pipeline from Russia to Hungary was leaked to the Western press.
Continue reading »Norges Bank is testing digital money and will assess whether this is something for Norway. With virtual money, the authorities can in principle turn your wallet on and off at will and decide what you are allowed to buy where and when. Norges Bank assures that this will never happen in a society with a […]
Continue reading »US officials withdraw the portrayal that a man killed in a Hellfire missile strike in Syria on May 3 was a “senior al-Qaeda leader”. Like the drone strike that killed an aid worker’s family after Biden’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, the truth appears to be that the deceased was a poor farmer in a field. […]
Continue reading »Swedish police are so overwhelmed by gang crime that they lack the resources to investigate other types of crime, such as theft or burglary. Even rape is de-prioritised.
Continue reading »Although the conservative New Democracy party of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis won over 40 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election in Greece, the party failed to win an outright majority in the National Assembly. Mitsotakis’s New Democracy Party was a full 20 percentage points ahead of its main rival, the leftist Syriza party, with […]
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