
Advertising film for the city of Borås has been deleted: Contains too many white people

In the Swedish city of Borås, they wanted to make a film to market the municipality. But now the finished film must be removed, as activists believe it shows too many white residents. The Swedish municipality of Borås is located a little east of Gothenburg and is part of Borås municipality. Here, the local authorities […]

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Aftenposten’s one-sided negative image of Israel

Israel celebrated its independence day on 26 April and Harald Stanghelle use the occasion to publish a full-page comment in Aftenposten on the same day. His many negative conclusions, partly on failing promises, after the state’s 75 years in relatively “barren terrain”, shall not be commented on here. But it is striking and strange that […]

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Not one word from NTB about the pro-government demo in Jerusalem

NTB has covered every single demonstration against the legal reform in Israel and created the impression of a massive opposition to the government. But when 600,000 gather in Jerusalem to express support for the government, NTB does not write a line. That says it all. The left no longer practises journalism, but wages war and […]

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Justice Alito: Leak of Roe vs Wade memo was incitement to assassination

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito says he is reasonably sure he knows who leaked the memo that was the basis for the repeal of Roe vs. Wade that sent abortion back to the state legislatures. It was a deliberate attempt to stop the decision, if necessary with violence, says Alito. In June 2022, Nicholas Roske […]

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Nuclear power may become a hot topic at Labor’s national meeting

A few days after Ap’s representatives in the Storting’s energy and environment committee rejected investigating nuclear power in Norway, three county groups in the party put forward proposals that this must be done. The county team in Rogaland will investigate the possibilities for establishing nuclear power in Norway. The Labor Party’s county teams in Innlandet, […]

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The Netherlands is launching a huge billion-dollar package to reduce climate emissions

The Netherlands presented a 28 billion euro package on Wednesday to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The package contains a number of measures, including cleaner energy and more electric cars on the roads, writes AFP. Dutch Climate and Energy Minister Rob Jetten, who announced the package at a press conference in The […]

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Meat, a class struggle

Changing Norwegian governments and parliamentary majorities have for several decades deliberately worked to increase class differences. The ruling elites claim to work for reduced differences, but in practice, policies result in the opposite. The road and car policy is a good example of poor people bearing an increasing share of the burdens of the wealthy. […]

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Israel: Massive demonstrations in support of Netanyahu’s judicial reform

Israel: Massive demonstrations in support of Netanyahu’s judicial reform Arnt Jensvoll 28/04/2023 19:36 Hundreds of thousands gathered in Jerusalem to show their support for Netanyahu on Thursday. Screenshot from Twitter Israel is tired of the left-wing opposition’s month-long demonstrations against Netanyahu’s judicial reform, which they portray as a fight for democracy. We want a Jewish […]

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Failure: Only 6 percent of bomb attacks in Sweden are solved

Most of the bomb attacks in Sweden are never solved, with only a small number of perpetrators ending up in court, announces Sveriges Radio. Sweden is ravaged by serious crime, where, among other things, attacks with bombs and grenades have become increasingly common. In large cities such as Stockholm and Malmö there are regular explosions, […]

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A clear message to the Conservative Party: Forget a new EU debate

There is no need for a new EU debate in Norway, said FrP leader Sylvi Listhaug in her national assembly speech. Discussion on EU membership has become a tabloid issue for the Right. The EU issue is still a hot potato in Norwegian politics, even after two referendums there is no result. It is the […]

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