
CNN cuts 200

CNN announces that it will cut its traditional TV news staff by 200 employees, but increase staff in digital areas such as computer technicians and production engineers.

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Prohibited information: RN got the most votes

It doesn’t please the powers that be to say that Rassemblement National won the most votes in the second round of elections in France:
Facebook took down Documents’ post on the matter based on the French Ministry of the Interior’s official figures.

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Olaf Scholz: Investments in China will continue

Germany made a strategic misjudgment of epic proportions when they became dependent on Russian gas. Now they are making the same mistake with China. Their only consolation is that they are not alone. The G7 countries will not distance themselves from China, if Chancellor Olaf Scholz is to be believed, neither financially nor industrywise. Large investments will continue.

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