Islamic terror is back in Europe. But in reality, it never really went away. Europeans have become accustomed to violent Muslims killing people for no reason, and forget about it as quickly as the media stops writing about it.

The terrorist attack in Solingen on 23 August has already been forgotten. The media is not focussing on the fact that the killer Issa Al H, who is suspected of being affiliated with the Islamic State (IS), should never have been in Germany in the first place. German politicians allowed him to kill three people and injure eight, ironically from a group of people celebrating diversity.

In Germany, this kind of Islamist nihilism is disturbingly becoming the new normal, writes Tom Slater, editor of Spiked. But it’s not just Germany; the whole of Europe is characterised by a nihilism in which ethnic Europeans are sacrificed without any politicians raising an eyebrow.

Hate speech is fussed about, and people are arrested for reacting inappropriately when three little girls are slaughtered in Southport. But the politicians who let the killer in are never punished. They stand for the real hatred: They hate their own people.

There have been several incidents in Germany, and most of them are so-called small-scale terrorism. Like the one terrorist who attacked an anti-Islam demonstration in Mannheim, which ended with a policeman being killed.

You no longer see the gigantic terrorist attacks, like the Bataclan. But this is due to the intensive work of security forces, which prevent a frightening number of terrorist acts.</p

One example is the planned terrorist action against a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna. This could have resulted in a mass murder that Europe has not experienced in the post-war period. The plans were revealed, but Swift cancelled all her concerts in the Austrian capital anyway. In other words, Islam is running the show. Nobody says anymore that the show must go on. Allah says no.</p

Also in June, during this summer’s European Football Championships, big plans were thwarted by German security police. Once again, IS was involved.

In July, another ISIS plot was foiled after a series of raids ahead of the European Championship final between England and Spain. In April, three teenagers – aged 15, 15 and 16 – were arrested on suspicion of glorifying the Islamic State and planning attacks on churches.

This is the new normal, and it’s only getting worse with each passing year.

There are countless examples, the only thing they have in common is two things: a) Islam is behind it, and b) We’ll forget about it in no time.

After all: The last giant terrorist attack was not so long ago. In March, an Islamic terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow led to 145 deaths. But Russians aren’t very popular these days, so it’s easy to overlook such details. The terrorists were allegedly affiliated with ISIS-K, which after gaining a bloody foothold in South and Central Asia has also begun to make itself felt outside Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is mind-boggling that this terrorist, fascist threat is not at the centre of political discussion across Europe.

In addition, we have numerous rapes, robberies, stabbings and murders across much of Western Europe. If you lose your son or daughter, it doesn’t really matter if he or she died alone. The pain and grief are just as great.

Remember the terrorist attack in Hartlepool in October? I doubt it. What happened was that a Moroccan asylum seeker, inspired by the Hamas pogrom in Israel, stabbed his Iranian flatmate, who had converted to Christianity, before killing a 70-year-old man in the street.

In October, Israel had not yet attacked the Gaza Strip. So it was 7 October that inspired this nice killer of the type that Western politicians can’t get enough of.

The terror also affects law-abiding immigrants. In both Hartlepool and Solingen, one of those nearly killed was from Iran.

But in the UK, as in many other European countries, the elites seem desperate to change the subject. Often to the issue of the far right.

After the Southport riots, the Labour government has spoken of little else. In Germany, the authorities are panicking because the AfD is doing well in local elections. Incredibly, a good number of Germans don’t like the import of murderers and rapists – whom taxpayers have to support. Such “extreme” attitudes cannot be tolerated.

The focus on right-wing extremists is reminiscent of pure madness.

Since 2005, 95 people have been killed in the UK in Islamist terrorist attacks. In the same period, the far right has killed three people.
Islamic extremism also accounts for three quarters of MI5’s terrorism investigations.

That’s not what it looks like if you read regime media. Worst of all, the authorities consistently ignore the danger posed by Islamic gangs and exaggerate the threat from the right.

Prevent is the heavily criticised UK programme to combat extremism. Although almost 95 per cent of terrorist killings are carried out by Islamic perpetrators and only 3-4 per cent by so-called far-right extremists, Prevent focuses mostly on the latter.

According to recent figures, only 11 per cent of referrals to Prevent relate to Islamic extremism, while 18 per cent relate to right-wing extremism. The imbalance could hardly be more extreme.

We see the same thing in Norway. Everyone remembers Benjamin’s murder. No one remembers all the murder victims that immigrants, and especially Muslims, have inflicted on us. Everyone’s equal value, say brainwashed Swedes. But apparently everyone is not worth the same.

An analysis by Prevent in 2023 concluded that the boundaries of what counts as Islamist extremism in the programme are “too narrow”, while the boundaries of right-wing extremism are “too wide”.

No shit, Sherlock!

Prevent calls it far-right if you post “mildly controversial or provocative forms of mainstream, right-wing commentary”, concluded William Shawcross, who led the independent investigation.

This is what we’re seeing more of.

We’ve seen more examples of this since Southport. But this doesn’t just apply to Brits. The whole of Western Europe is infected by the same deadly disease. Islam is a far more dangerous pandemic than COVID-19. And against this pandemic, our government refuses to vaccinate us.

The civilisational suicide seems desired by nihilistic politicians who despise their own culture and their own people. They clearly thrive best in the mosques, where the distinction between women and men could not be clearer. There is nothing of Everyone’s equal value here.

When Nancy Faeser became Minister of the Interior in 2022, one of the first things she did was to close down the government’s expert group on Islamism. Instead, she set up an expert group on “Islamophobia”

The entire narrow-minded elite seems to think the same: Confronting terror perpetrated by Muslims is attacking all Muslims, and could lead to an increase in deadly far-right violence. But this is just completely ridiculous.

It shows a contempt for both Muslims and non-Muslims. Not all Muslims are terrorists. And why hasn’t far-right violence already exploded, after the massive terrorist attacks we’ve already experienced? Where is the terror after the grooming scandal in the UK?

At the same time, our elites are turning a blind eye to a toxic, truly fascist ideology that is taking life after life in Europe and has nothing to do with our values of freedom, democracy and tolerance.

The silence of the elites on Islamist terrorism reflects a deadly cowardice. A cowardice we can no longer afford. It’s probably already too late for countries like Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK.

Norway could still have survived as a safe and prosperous nation. But no one has the political will required. Seriously, it seems that our politicians have no desire to preserve Norway as a safe and free country.

Therefore, Norway will also be destroyed, one step at a time. It is only a matter of time.

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