Israel is an oasis of democracy in a desert of tyranny – and the British Foreign Secretary’s move serves the terrorists’ cause.

As you know, David Lammy, Foreign Secretary in the Labour government of Starmer, has decided to stop the export of 30 different types of weapons. Specifically, the UK wants to stop all exports used in the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Since the war is actually taking place in the Gaza Strip, this is in practice an almost complete boycott of arms deliveries to Israel. Weapons that cannot be used in war are of little help.

This is happening while Israel is in an existential war, and where the possibility of new fronts is a real threat. It also happens immediately after six hostages have been executed by Hamas.

In its darkest hour, Israel is being betrayed by the Norwegian and British governments, is being heavily criticised by the EU and the Biden regime is also calling for a ceasefire and a two-state solution.

Call me sentimental and nostalgic, but I preferred it when Labour was controlled by the unions and not the Gaza Party.

This is what Allison Pearson writes in The Telegraph. She believes Starmer’s arms ban on Israel is a shameful betrayal of a heroic ally.

Hearing Lammy say he was suspending 30 out of 350 arms export licences because there was a risk that such equipment “could be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law” was a bold challenge to the limits of satire.

What about the atrocities Hamas was behind on 7 October? What about the ongoing atrocities in Iran, Israel’s main enemy?

What about the atrocities that will flood Europe if Israel falls? Such details don’t worry “Two Tier Keir”. Rather, he jails those who protest on Facebook.

Pearson is not particularly impressed with Lammy.

In opposition, Lammy, an over-promoted fool whose arrogance is inversely proportional to his intelligence, specialised in embarrassing sixth-grade politics.

In 2018 Lammy described Donald Trump as “a sociopath who sympathises with neo-Nazis”. He refused to retract the statement in July this year, telling BBC Breakfast that “a lot of people had things to say” about Trump.

For Labour, it’s only votes that matter. More Muslim votes matter more than a sensible foreign policy and Israel’s right to exist.

On the same day that Lammy made his statement, four Gaza supporters, some of them outspoken Hamas sympathisers, were elected to Parliament for Labour. It’s easy to see where this is going when you list the names: Ayoub Khan, Adnan Hussain, Shockat Adam and Iqbal Mohamed.</p

Nothing to worry about, ladies and gentlemen. It’s just an Islamic separatist group now sitting in our parliament with the purpose of influencing government policy towards views that are contrary to our values and traditions.

Israel is an extremely important partner for the UK, both in terms of military intelligence, but also in terms of supplying medicines to the failing NHS.

Yet Labour chooses to suck up to countries belonging to a culture that exports nothing of value to the British except grooming, violence, murder and rape, as well as huge costs to ruined British taxpayers.

Since the UK only accounts for one per cent of arms deliveries to Israel, this is also pure symbolic politics. However, it’s worth noting what symbols Starmer and co choose to lean on.

Lammy “is such an idiot that he was probably hoping to score some points with the Liberal Alliance and far-left, pro-Palestinian Jew-haters, while avoiding a diplomatic incident,” writes Pearson.

The Foreign Secretary grossly underestimated the disgust that his disrespect for a grieving Israel would evoke.

His Israeli counterpart Israel Katz was clear:

This step sends a very problematic message to the terrorist organisation Hamas and its supporters in Iran.

Millions of Britons are reacting with deep contempt. In just a few weeks, Starmer has managed to create perhaps the most hated British government in history, and Britons despair.

These are Brits who understand that Israel and its IDF military forces are on the front line protecting the entire West.

To take an example from “Game of Thrones”: The IDF is our Night’s Watch. They protect the wall that keeps barbarism out of civilisation. They fight heroically against The Army of the Dead.

After the Saturday people, the Sunday people will be the target, and the war is already underway, thanks to useless politicians who have invited a giant fifth column here already.

Many Brits and Norwegians feel a deep shame about their political leaders. But the Jews I’ve met have no trouble understanding that it’s not us ordinary Norwegians (or Brits) who are behind it.

Pearson will soon be travelling to Israel, and she will explain the situation as follows:

I will apologise to every Israeli I meet for the British government’s tasteless betrayal.

I will explain that Israel remains our valued ally, an oasis of democracy in a desert of tyranny, that our Foreign Secretary is a megalomaniacal idiot, and that Labour is just trying to appease groups that most decent people disagree with.

I would say that, and I would hope, indeed I would pray, that it is true.

Am Yisrael Chai.

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