Two important speeches were given in two of the world’s most powerful countries on opposite sides of the globe on 4 March: US President Donald Trump and Chinese Premier Li Qiang.

NTB-AP has compared the two speeches, and you’ll get the jitters even before you start reading.

The speeches came just an hour apart, and together they illustrated the vastly different approaches of the major powers to achieving their countries’ respective ambitions.

Personally, I’m quite happy that the US doesn’t have the same ambitions as the communist dictatorship China.

For China, it was a call for unity to overcome obstacles through innovation and to «open up» – an honourable phrase in Chinese politics – to ultimately achieve national renewal.

Is China opening up to the Uighurs too? China is engaging in fifth-generation warfare, conquering vast swathes of land, particularly in Africa, using economics as a weapon.

Even in Hungary, you see Chinese labourers, as Brussels’ exclusion virtually forces Orbán into cooperation with Beijing. This is highly unpopular among Budapest residents, who believe the Chinese are taking jobs that should have gone to Hungarians.

An hour later, and on the other side of the globe, Trump addressed the US Congress. For his part, he promised tariffs on imports and a reduction in inflation to Make America great again – an important phrase for many in the US.

Both the setting and the speaking style set them apart, but the speeches had one thing in common – a desire for greatness for their country.

There is a tiny difference, isn’t there? The Chinese Communist Party thinks about the nation’s greatness in a very different way to Trump. When Trump declares Make America Great Again, he obviously means strengthening the American economy for the benefit of ordinary people and businesses, while the bureaucracy and the deep state are the enemy.

A strong defence is a necessity for a great power, but for Trump it’s actually a defence he’s talking about. He has no desire to start wars, he wants to end them.

In Beijing, it is the power of the Communist Party that is to be reinforced. The well-being of ordinary people is only a means, not an end in itself.

Grand surroundings

Speaking to a loyal audience, Li’s speech lasted 55 minutes.

He spoke from the stage of a grand, theatre-like space in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. In the stands behind Li sat Chinese President Xi Jinping. The nearly 3,000 delegates applauded politely where appropriate.

Trump’s speech took about an hour and 40 minutes. It took place in the United States Capitol building on the east end of the grand National Mall with a number of monuments.

The article’s author is clearly fond of the term «grand», but never mind. Then follows the thinly veiled attacks on Trump’s speech.

While Li Qiang’s speech is described as a «dry and laudatory report», Trump gave «a longer, more theatrical speech to a divided National Assembly – reflecting a divided country».

But is the country really that divided? Trump’s speech has been well received by a large majority of Americans. The Democrats’ representatives behaved so distastefully that they are the ones who have divided themselves from the nation.

You’ve rarely seen politicians behave as pathetically and shamefully as the Democrats did during the State of the Union address, and they had our ambassador to the US, Anniken Huitfeldt, on their team.

Anniken Huitfeldt has chosen the Democrats’ side

Trump’s fellow party members clapped and cheered. Opposition politicians mostly sat quietly, but some showed resistance by holding up posters. One of the representatives, Al Green from the state of Texas, was ejected when he stood up and interrupted the president.

It didn’t occur to the Democrats to applaud a 13-year-old boy facing deadly cancer for achieving his greatest dream. Isn’t there a shred of humanity in this despicable mafia?

But in China the situation is better. They don’t mix emotions into such speeches. Doesn’t the NTB writer realise that Trump’s speech was mainly aimed at the American people? Then, of course, you have to inspire by talking about understandable and sometimes sensitive things.

In Beijing, you can happily ignore such things, since the president serves for life anyway, and the successor is then appointed by the Communist Party itself.

The party strives to present itself as united, and in his speech Li praised that unity and urged the country to close ranks around Xi’s leadership.

Exactly: The Chinese people are getting a clear message. The party is in charge, and the people’s task is to support the party and the Great Leader.

In the US, Trump complained that he couldn’t do anything to make the Democrats happy and called his predecessor, Democrat Joe Biden, the worst president in American history.

Trump is, of course, absolutely right in both assertions. The disaster Biden inflicted on the US has been unfolding daily for four years. The Democrats’ behaviour was on full display for all to see. Even Trump-haters like «comedian» Stephen Colbert ridiculed their behaviour.


Trump was upbeat about the economy and promised to limit inflation. He promised more import tariffs to help the country’s industry. This threatens the global trade order, says NTB, which I have never seen complain about tariffs imposed by Norway or the EU.

Trump’s tariffs could also have consequences for China and its export-dependent economy.

Well, that’s the whole point! China has had a large trade surplus with the US for many years, and is rewarding this by supplying the raw materials for the fentanyl factories in Mexico, which have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

China is more concerned about deflation than inflation, as well as other challenges such as falling house prices and low consumption.

– Regardless of changes in the world, we should stand firm on our commitment to open up. We will continue to expand our globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas, said Li.

China’s free trade only goes one way. That’s why Trump is imposing tariffs on China, and that’s why China says it’s «ready for war», in a broad sense.

China says it is “ready for war” with the US

Technology and defence

Trump boasted of pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement, an energy policy of drilling for more oil and of removing environmental mandates from the previous administration.

The Paris Agreement is the biggest scam in history, and a guarantee that China will win on all five fronts. Soon, only the EU and Norway will take this bluff seriously, and that will be our downfall.

China, on the other hand, is betting on a greener economy.

Is it really possible to be so naive? China is opening gigantic coal plants every week. Their «green economy» consists of producing crap and selling it to a climate-hysterical Europe that is destroying its own industry, because climate.

Li said in the speech that accelerating the Green New Deal is a priority for all areas of economic and social development.

The «Green New Deal» is China’s biggest strategic success in the ongoing fifth-generation warfare.

While Trump barely mentioned technology, Li barely mentioned defence, but said China is going to speed up the development of its combat capability.

China is not thinking defence. They’re thinking attack, and they’re already well on their way.


The US, as a rising and then leading power, dominated the second half of the last century and the start of this one. Its economy and military remain the world’s most powerful.

But as China also expands its power, the interests of the two countries are increasingly colliding.

The struggle between East and West has been going on for a long time, and the leadership role has switched sides several times over time. This is quite natural and historically inevitable, since the weaker party immediately gains an advantage, with lower wage levels, a hungry population and the ability to copy by means of espionage etc.

This makes them stronger against the leading empires, which suffer from laziness, complacency, hubris and decadence. We saw this in the fall of the Roman Empire, and the signals are clear in a woke West that is destroying itself.

China does not want to be a leader in the American sense, writes NTB. Trump has withdrawn the US from the World Health Organisation and the UN Human Rights Council. This gives China an opportunity to fill the void they leave behind.

But, of course, China will not be able to replace the vast sums the US has wasted on the aforementioned corrupt soup councils.

Li’s speech ended with a call similar to the one many Chinese leaders make during the annual People’s Congress:

– Build a great country and bring forth national renewal.

This is clearly an acceptable statement, when it comes from Beijing. But when Trump says Make America Great Again, it’s as if Hitler has been resurrected.


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