Technocracy, climate alarmism and identity politics are sowing the seeds of Western decline. The globalism has failed and USA and EU are moving towards a Chinese system.
Continue reading »I have struggled with this article. My relationship with the Slovenian band Laibach is only a few months old. Rammstein created the interest. Laibach stood for a salvation.
Continue reading »Rammstein is a German industrial metal band founded in Berlin in 1994. The band belongs to the genre «Neue Deutsche Härte» (new German hardness), and has sold over 16 million albums. They were born in the ashes of the flames after a horrific plane crash.
Continue reading »– The interest in the film «Sound of Freedom» is enormous, confirms film and information manager Stig Magne Pedersen at Odeon in Stavanger.
Continue reading »Psychologists have been commoditized as goods. As Pride Month ends, we must remember that schools aren’t the only centers of liberal indoctrination — therapy is, too. Practitioners of psychological counseling are imposing their liberal worldview on people of all ages in their most vulnerable moments, like shooting fish in a barrel. In 2021, an astonishing 41.7 […]
Continue reading »The story of cruise passengers traumatized after whaling in the Faroe Islands is elitist climate hypocrisy. Thousands of “eco-conscious” cruise passengers travel to the Faroe Islands in a giant cruise ship that is just one of the hundreds of thousands of floating environmental disasters worldwide. They come there as guests and condemn this small country’s […]
Continue reading »The country’s ills reveal what happens to the human mind when exposed to social democratic policies for generations. Democratic socialist romantics often justify their views by lifting up the Norwegian system and disregarding socialist-run states like Venezuela, Russia, and Cuba, which have experienced corruption, poor management, poverty, and/or imperialism. Norway, in contrast, is fetishized and exemplified as the […]
Continue reading »It has less to do with supporting the weak and more to do with getting what’s owed. Being a fully-fledged Norwegian patriot who celebrates our national day religiously, the deterioration of the social democracy is painful to behold. Since Norway became wealthy on oil in the ’60s, it’s prided itself on its commitment to the […]
Continue reading »If Simone de Beauvoir fantasized her ideal world, it would look much like Norway today. The well-being of women in Norway, perfect egalitarian Norway, is imploding. It’s been exactly 60 years since the rise of second-wave feminism. The results should serve as a stern warning for everyone. For over half a century, one policy to […]
Continue reading »The war in Ukraine is the first woke war, our editor Hans Rustad likes to say. The boycott of Freia proves him right. This is perhaps the stupidest thing we have seen since young children were refused to participate in the Norway Cup, as if 13-14 year old football boys had any responsibility for the […]
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