If you want to gain control over people, you have to get inside their heads. It can be effectively done by breaking down their taboos. Taboos are handed down through culture and generations. In the West, pedophilia has been seen as a mortal sin. Now a medium like Instagram promotes pedophilia and acts as a […]
Continue reading »In the current climate, saying something like: “People who love each other should get married,” will surely serve you one of the following labels: A silly little girl who hasn’t watched the movie Frozen, a demented 80-year-old who has escaped from his ward. or a Christian fundamentalist. Think for a moment about everything you watched growing up, and the messaging was clear: men want a […]
Continue reading »Certain events take on symbolic meaning because they illustrate in the audience’s consciousness something they are already aware of, but have not fully grasped. Biden’s fall in front of the graduating class at the Air Force Academy was brutal, spectacular and a complete humiliation of Joe Biden. He lost all dignity.
Continue reading »There has been great excitement surrounding the appointment of a new director at the National Museum. The other day there was a message from the board that the appointment was in the can, but the appointment was not to the liking of the artistic establishment. Ingrid Røynesdal, named as the new director, lacked an artistic […]
Continue reading »The road to World War III has become short. Ukrainian-controlled militias attack inside Russia in US vehicles. They spread panic in the border region. Civilian Russians get to feel the war. It has come home. Kyiv believes the Russian army is about to collapse. They dream not only of taking back conquered territories, but of […]
Continue reading »Rövhål – A direct translation is asshole, but we get the underlying meaning Eskilstuna pays the price for multiculturalism. There are shootings, gang conflicts and insecurity. This is discussed by Eskilstunakuriren’s editor-in-chief Eva Burman, who is considered a left-liberal, in an editorial.
Continue reading »In a world of what is and what is not accepted as politically correct and what is not, discussing our bodies and day to day natural occurrences should have been open topics. But when it comes to menstruation, an everyday issue, there are still major milestones that must be reached. This according to Norwegian state […]
Continue reading »If legacy news corporations fail to report that large majorities of the American public now view their journalistic product as straight-up propaganda, does that make it any less true?
According to a survey by Rasmussen Reports, 59% of likely voters in the United States view the corporate news media as “truly the enemy of the people.”
Continue reading »In recent days, irrational attacks on Florida have grown both in number and absurdity, writes the Washington Examiner. We have also seen the same irrational attacks from the liberal media in Norway, and the first prize for least rational goes to Dagbladet’s Marie Simonsen’s latest comment about DeSantis.
Continue reading »A sign of a civilization in decline is it’s embrace of absurdities. Unfortunately, today’s United States is characterised by an epidemic of nihilism and nonsense. Historian and author Victor Davis Hanson provides some examples.
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