
The Dark Side of Norway’s Social Democracy: The Alarming Rise of Disability Claims and Entitlement Culture

It has less to do with supporting the weak and more to do with getting what’s owed. Being a fully-fledged Norwegian patriot who celebrates our national day religiously, the deterioration of the social democracy is painful to behold. Since Norway became wealthy on oil in the ’60s, it’s prided itself on its commitment to the […]

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The Paradoxical Decline of Female Happiness in Egalitarian Norway

If Simone de Beauvoir fantasized her ideal world, it would look much like Norway today. The well-being of women in Norway, perfect egalitarian Norway, is imploding. It’s been exactly 60 years since the rise of second-wave feminism. The results should serve as a stern warning for everyone. For over half a century, one policy to […]

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The attack on Freia shows that the war has become woke

The war in Ukraine is the first woke war, our editor Hans Rustad likes to say. The boycott of Freia proves him right. This is perhaps the stupidest thing we have seen since young children were refused to participate in the Norway Cup, as if 13-14 year old football boys had any responsibility for the […]

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On the trail of a trans activist – and the boundless Pride ideology

Seemingly innocent trans flags draped around signs and poles have a darker background. Not everyone knows what the trans colors stand for, but many no longer believe in the official “Love is love” narrative. This is being used as a shield for an ideology that in any case should have nothing to do with children.

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Tucker 2: They are breaking down people’s taboos, now against pedophilia

If you want to gain control over people, you have to get inside their heads. It can be effectively done by breaking down their taboos. Taboos are handed down through culture and generations. In the West, pedophilia has been seen as a mortal sin. Now a medium like Instagram promotes pedophilia and acts as a […]

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Sexual Equality Has Created a Great Divide Between Men and Women

In the current climate, saying something like: “People who love each other should get married,” will surely serve you one of the following labels: A silly little girl who hasn’t watched the movie Frozen, a demented 80-year-old who has escaped from his ward. or a Christian fundamentalist. Think for a moment about everything you watched growing up, and the messaging was clear: men want a […]

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US: Is Biden’s downfall America’s downfall?

Certain events take on symbolic meaning because they illustrate in the audience’s consciousness something they are already aware of, but have not fully grasped. Biden’s fall in front of the graduating class at the Air Force Academy was brutal, spectacular and a complete humiliation of Joe Biden. He lost all dignity.

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Norway: New director at the National Museum

There has been great excitement surrounding the appointment of a new director at the National Museum. The other day there was a message from the board that the appointment was in the can, but the appointment was not to the liking of the artistic establishment. Ingrid Røynesdal, named as the new director, lacked an artistic […]

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Can we pray the Lord’s Prayer?

The road to World War III has become short. Ukrainian-controlled militias attack inside Russia in US vehicles. They spread panic in the border region. Civilian Russians get to feel the war. It has come home. Kyiv believes the Russian army is about to collapse. They dream not only of taking back conquered territories, but of […]

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Swedish editor: – Eskilstuna has become a real rövhål

Rövhål – A direct translation is asshole, but we get the underlying meaning Eskilstuna pays the price for multiculturalism. There are shootings, gang conflicts and insecurity. This is discussed by Eskilstunakuriren’s editor-in-chief Eva Burman, who is considered a left-liberal, in an editorial.

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